Sunday, September 16, 2012

4 New Games

Thanks to pintrest I've been in craft/creation over drive. The past two weeks I've put together four new games that have been big hits with the kids.

1. Ring Toss- A classic, but hadn't thought to use it until now. I have the kids throw the larger rings the first round. If they get one ring, they repeat the word once. Two rings, twice, and three rings thrice. The second round I brought out the small rings with a dramatic "dun dun dunnnn" and the kids all gasped. So cute :)
To make the game a hot glued a paper towel roll onto a hard plastic plate. The rings were adapted from a different game and worked perfectly.

 2. ABC Bottle Cap Soccer- I printed out the alphabet and taped them to the tops of bottle caps. The game I played with my classes was a team game. I made two goals and set the basket of caps in between two kids from opposing teams. The kids get 10 seconds to flick as many caps as they can into the goal. The kids need to identify the letters correctly to get points for their team.
This game would also be perfect as a one on one activity without a time limit. The variations are endless for this one :)

 3. Bee Hive- This game is super simple to put together and the kids had a blast. I found a slanted cardboard box which I turned upside down and painted periwinkle with grass and a few buzzing bees. I glued large plastic cups on the back side and ta-da! Finished. The kids throw the ping pong into a cup and answer which ever question in in the cup. Again the possibilities for what could be put in the cups are only limited by the size of the item. I put pieces of paper with letters and stickers. The kids had to come up with x amount of words beginning with the letter on the paper based on the number of stickers. I also stick a spider, which meant minus a point, and a song card, which was a favorite.
 4. Golf- This game was a simple enough concept but was pretty darn frustrating to put together. I bought a little plastic golf club which was the inspiration for the game, but the end result was a bit different then what I planned. For this game I took another old cardboard box and cut out the bottom on three sides, pushed it down on a slant and cut holes.
I glued, cut, measured and taped for a good two hours before I actually attempted to play. I tried it with the golf club. No go. I tried it by just throwing it into the game, and even that was hard. So i put bumpers on holes 1,2 and 3 and made the game semi-playable. I played the game with my class, but it wasn't the favorite. Still, with a few adjustments, maybe someone would find this

The last idea I thought I'd share is my old mystery box. A favorite not just for my class, but has gotten so much use by the other teachers a think its time to update to something more sturdy. Every teacher needs a mystery box right?

So thats what I've been up to the past two weeks. Let me know if you have any other ideas/variations for these games! I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Cheers <3